The Uganda Experiential Safari package in which you take part in the habituation processes of Mountain Gorillas and Chimpanzees to make them get used to the presence of human beings around them and to track Golden monkeys, Lions, and Mongooses to learn experientially about their group dynamics, behaviors and lifestyles.

Habituating Gorillas is done from nowhere else in the world except in the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Southern Uganda and is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on your memory. Chimpanzees are habituated from Kibale Forest National Park in mid-western Uganda, tracking Golden monkeys is done from Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Southwestern Uganda while tracking Lions and Mongooses is conducted from Queen Elizabeth National Park.

The experience of habituation and tracking these fascinating animals never leaves you the same!

Safari Highlights

  • The opportunity to accompany the researchers through areas of the park normally off-limits to tourists
  • Spending 4 hours with a family of semi-habituated Mountain Gorillas and another 4 hours with a family of Golden monkeys and enjoying the thrilling moments of watching them as they respond to stimulation of researchers in the process of making them get used to the presence of humans.
  • Gaining insights into the habits, behavior, security consciousness, and survival mechanisms of these highly social creatures that have a lot in common with human beings
  • An opportunity to film and capture perfect photo shots of the habituation exercise
  • Getting the additional bonus of viewing several other wildlife in the parks visited for habituation and tracking experience
  • You can also make a valuable contribution to longstanding research projects as the data collected is used by the researchers to improve the tourism industry.

Activity Schedule

Day 1: Travel to Murchison Falls National Park via Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
Day 2: Game drive in Murchison Falls National Park
Day 3: Travel to Kibale Forest National Park
Day 4: Chimpanzee habituation experience in Kibale Forest
Day 5: Travel to Queen Elizabeth National Park & Viewing the Rwenzoris and Crater lakes
Day 6: Lion tracking experience in Kasenyi Sector & Boat Launch on Kazinga Channel
Day 7: Tracking Lions in the Ishasha sector and Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park
Day 8: Gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi Forest
Day 9: Golden monkey habituation exercise in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
Day 10: Return to Kampala & Departure